You don’t build a business, you build people, then people build the business.

Cherryfield Ecology was set-up in 2015 following almost eight years of working for private owned companies. The name Cherryfield comes from the farm that my father grew up on in Ireland. Although his mother had to sell up when he was just a small boy the farm has always been in his thoughts. So when the opportunity arose for me to set-up my own business and I was looking for a suitable name, the formerly owned farm sprung to mind. Martin.

Dip, BSc (Hons), PCert, CBiol, MRSB

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Director & Administrator

Admin Master

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BSc (Hons), QCIEEM

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Graduate Ecologist

BSc (Hons)

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Graduate Ecologist

BSc (Hons)

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Graduate Ecologist

MSc, BSc (Hons)

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Ecologist and Admin

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Cuddle machine

Honouree Dog-torate

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